Beaked whale gouges on the deep seafloor. Photo from Marsh et al. 2018.

Deep-diving whales lay tracks across the CCZ.

A series of tantalizing tracks on the seafloor led Dr. Leigh Marsh on a journey of discovery that could have significant implications for our understanding of the ecology of nodule fields while extending the record for deep diving marine mammals by over 1000 meters. It began in 2015, when the science team aboard the RRS […]

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Whale grooves on the sea floor.

Beaked whales may frequent a seabed spot marked for mining

Carolyn Gramling | 21 August 2018 Whales may have made their mark on the seafloor in a part of the Pacific Ocean designated for future deep-sea mining. Thousands of grooves found carved into the seabed could be the first evidence that large marine mammals visit this little-explored region, researchers report August 22 in Royal Society Open Science. […]

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