Marine Advanced Technology Education: 6-month at-sea marine technician internship

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 6-MONTH AT-SEA INTERNSHIP.  Internship Requirements To apply for an internship, the requirements are: Students must be: At least 18 years of age. A current undergraduate student or very recently graduated from an undergraduate program from a US institution and a citizen of the United States or its possessions; international students […]

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deep-sea vents

New study challenges prevailing theory about how deep-sea vents are colonized

KIM FULTON-BENNETT for MBARI | 24 July 2017 An article just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B describes two remarkably different hydrothermal vent fields discovered in the southern Gulf of California. Despite being relatively close together, these vents host very different animal communities. This finding contradicts a common scientific assumption that neighboring […]

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No to deep sea bed mining plans for Pacific, says PNG’s Cardinal Ribat

PMC EDITOR on ASIA PACIFIC REPORT | 31 May 2017 “Papua New Guinea’s Catholic Church leader has given a resounding “no” to deep sea mining after returning from his visit to Germany. The Archbishop of Port Moresby Archdiocese, Cardinal John Ribat, was highly critical of the proposed plans of the Canadian mining company Nautilus for […]

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Deep Sea Mining Could Form Plumes: Dust Clouds Formed Within Sea

PIYALI RPY on THE SCIENCE TIMES | 30 April 2017 “According to HiTech Days, deep sea mining will also leave a mark on the planet Earth like any other type of mining. As per a statement from the managing director of Seascape Consultants, the biggest problem for the marine environment is the plumes. Plumes can […]

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Renewables’ deep-sea mining conundrum

DAVID SHUKMAN on BBC NEWS | 11 April 2017 “Their investigation of a seamount more than 500km (300 miles) from the Canary Islands has revealed a crust of “astonishingly rich” rock. Samples brought back to the surface contain the scarce substance tellurium in concentrations 50,000 times higher than in deposits on land. Tellurium is used […]

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